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Amoxil is a prescription antibiotic that should be used in strict accordance with the prescription given out by doctor.
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Th Moxatag band amoxicillin should b takn with ood, within 1 hou at ating a mal.
Amoxil can b usd ttat a ang conditions including: Inctions in th blood (spticamia) Chst inctions Uinay inctions Gonohoa (a sxually tansmittd inction) Skin inctions th pvntion inction in individuals with ctain hat conditions, such as atiicial hat valvs.
Busing amoxicillin, tll you docti you a allgic tcphalospoins such as Omnic, Czil, Ctin, Klx, and oths. Alstll you docti you hav asthma, liv kidny disas, a blding blood clotting disod, mononuclosis (alscalld “mono”), any typ allgy.
CNS actions (g, vsibl hypactivity, agitation, anxity, insomnia, conusion, convulsions, bhavioal changs, dizzinss)
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