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Symptoms of vata vriddhi improved due to Shallaki as it has ushna viryaand according to some classicsdue to tikshna guna it acts as vata shamakShallakialso increases dhatvagni by its tikta rasaleading to proper Cheap myambutol side nutrition of dhatuswhereas improvement of the symptoms of vata kshaya is due to rasayanaimmunomodulatorand brihamniya prabhava of Shallaki12The symptoms of pitta vriddhi improved due to tiktakashayamadhura rasa and snigdha gunaand pitta shamaka activitywhile improvement in the symptoms of pitta kshaya was reported due to ushna virya and katuvipakaThe kapha vriddhi symptoms improved by its tikta rasaruksha and laghu gunaushna virya and katu vipakaconsequently it pacifies kaphaShallaki having tikshna guna and katu vipakaacts against increased kapha and improves the symptoms of kapha kshaya
The improvement in radiological findings such as joint spacesubarticular sclerosissynovial effusionarticular erosion and osteophytes was due to the anti-inflammatory activity of Bserrata resinIt soothes the joints and also helps treat levels of synovial fluidmaking the entire structure lubricated and easy to rotate or to moveAKBA helps preserve structural integrity of the joint cartilage and maintains a healthy immune mediator cascade at a cellular levelShallaki is mediated through the vascular phenomenonit improves blood supply to joints and restores integrity of vessels obliterated by spasm of internal damage13Decrease in biochemical parametersmainlyCRPserum triglycerides and erythrocyte sedimentation rateESRis due to anti-inflammatory activity.
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